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fredag den 6. marts 2009

Week 9 - the one with an iPod touch etc

Once again I have to apologize for posting this quite late, but I will try my best to put later posts up to date.

I started my Monday with trying to look for some stuff for the tutorial in Social Marketing. The tutorial in itself went quite OK, so used the lunch break to grab some lunch. In the afternoon I struggled to keep myself awake during e-Marketing, and I had to meet with the group that I'm going to do my e-Marketing assignment with to discuss some stuff before going home, and that's probably it...
Matt and I were always looking forward to the Business Research Methods on Tuesday - in an ironic way. And this Tuesday morning was no different from the previous Tuesdays. And after having lunch I went to my Business Research Methods tutorial, and I found out that we were only 2 people left from my little group, that I was supposed to do a qualitative methods paper with, so me and Clement (yes, another French guy) decided to be split up, and I was put in a new group, that actually was created earlier in that tutorial. In the evening I went to Matt & Aaron's flat to watch the Champions League game between Inter Milan and Manchester United. And I forgot to mention that Matt is a big Man U fan, so you could basically hear him throughout the entire match. In the end the match was a draw (0-0), but I'm looking forward to the return match between these two teams in 2 weeks time.
On Wednesday I had another meeting with e-Marketing group at the library. While I was waiting for the others, I met with Emilien, who told me that French people have a tendency to be late. With that in mind, I continued to wait for the others until they came around 1 PM, when they all came - except for a girl named Veronique, who (as a Frenchman, surprise surprise) came like 20 minutes later. And when she showed up, we were basically finished! So I decided to go to Glasgow to buy an iPod touch. The reason why I wanted to buy one was that they are actually cheaper to buy in Great Britain at the moment because of the relatively weak pound. And after I bought one (a 32 GB model), I was excited to try it, and after I connected it to my laptop, I knew that I didn't regret it at all!!
Thursday was a quiet day, and I just used the time to try to find some sources for the e-Marketing assignment.
On Friday I started the day with going to the gym for one hour before going to the university to continue my search for sources. In the evening the most of us from Villa 13E went downstairs to a birthday party to drink before we went to the Union. Unlike previous Fridays, I decided to go home a bit earlier, as I actually was bored...
The weekend was spent on not doing much, but on Saturday I went to Paisley to buy some washing liquid - but also a Danish national shirt, which cost £15, and later that day I went to the gym with Leszek and Vincent, before doing nothing the rest of the day. And Sunday was spent on washing clothes and trying to look at sources.

fredag den 27. februar 2009

Week 8: the one with the tutorials and lots more

Once again, I apologize on this delay, but this time not only I have lazy, but I also have to do some stuff for some assignments, so please bear over that there will be delays...

Now for week 8, and this marked a milestone on my studies here at the UWS. On Monday I had my first tutorial after the Social Marketing lecture, but that was mostly used to find the groups in which we have to do a presentation. My group is having our presentation in 1 and a half week's time (as of Febuary 27), and they seem to be a fine set of individuals (and all of them are native speakers, which will make it a bit easier for me). As for e-Marketing - this will be quite a task, since I have been paired with 3 French people(!) and a Spanish girl, so I'm quite anxious to see how this will go.
On Tuesday we had Business Research Methods, and boy - the lecturer is quite boring! Not because of his accent (although many have problems understanding him because of his accent), but more because that he keeps on talking for almost an eternity (in other words: he keeps on talking for like almost 2 hours without having any kind of break)!
I used Wednesday afternoon looking after football jerseys, and I found Ireland's away jersey and England's home jersey - both at a really good price (the prices can be found on my previous post). In the evening, I went to Paisley to watch football with Ryan at a local pub. We had a nice long chat - to the point we almost didn't look at the TV screens during the match between Forfar (a Scottish 3. division team) and Rangers. During the half time break, we went to a local fast food restaurant, where I got my first experience of the local dish haggis - albeit in a deep fried version. Later we continued our good chat and eventually drank a couple of pints...
Thursday was mostly spent at the university, where I wanted to find some stuff for my e-Marketing assignment, but eventually watched some stuff on YouTube...
On Friday I went back to the university in another attempt to do something serious, which ended with me borrowing a couple of books. In the evening we were invited by the villa opposite us to taste some haggis (this time cooked) before we went to the Union to drink and dance.
Saturday was mostly spent on getting rid of my hangovers and on relaxing. In the evening there was the birthday party of Bardhyl, a French guy living at Thornly Park, so I went there, but eventually got bored and went to bed around 2 AM.
Sunday was like mostly spent like Saturday....

torsdag den 19. februar 2009

My Scottish adventure - the beginning!!

Hey ya!
I'm sorry that I haven't made an update for a long time, but a combination of laziness and lots of schoolwork meant that I haven't used this blog for a looooooooong time. But I think that now is a good time to revive this blog. And the reason for this: sometime ago I decided to spend a semester abroad, just like the most of you guys, I have met during the last few years, and I have decided to spend my fourth semester in Scotland, and more precisely at the University of the West of Scotland in Paisley near Glasgow. I will try to devote some time to write about my time here in Scotland, and I will probably make a post a week, since I'm also doing a Danish blog.

But since I already have been in Scotland for 2 weeks, I will do a short summary of what I have been up to:
  1. I came to Scotland on January 28 and spent the first night in a hotel room in Glasgow and watched a Scottish Cup match between Celtic & Dundee United.
  2. I went to Paisley the next day and got the keys for my flat. I live with: Emilien & Vincent (both France), Leszek (from Poland), Felix (from Germany) and Stefan (from the Netherlands)
  3. I already got a Scottish friend the following Saturday, when Vincent introduced med to a guy named Ryan. We went with him to Ibrox Stadium to watch Rangers win against Dundee United.
  4. I went to Edinburgh on Febuary 7 and went sightseeing with Stefan as well as Matt & Aaron (who are both from the United States)
  5. There are lots of parties at Thornly Park, which is the residence in which I live - especially on Fridays & Saturdays.
  6. I have classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, so I have a pretty long weekend :)
  7. I went to the town on Ayr on Valentine's Day - and I will never do it again!
  8. The majority of international people at Thornly Park are from France, followed by Spain, China and Germany (most of the Germans are from Leipzig!). I'm the only Dane here, but there are also people from Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden & (Republic of) Ireland.
  9. If you are lucky, then you can find a football/soccer shirt pretty cheap. I have already bought an England shirt (£4.49) and an Ireland shirt (£7.99). The next step is to buy a Scotland shirt, a Rangers shirt and a Celtic shirt as well as some other cheap shirts.
I hope that you enjoyed my comeback post, see ya later this week when I will make a summary of this week!

tirsdag den 9. oktober 2007


Oh well... where shall I start. I'm very sorry for not updating the last month, but I have been busy with many things. First of all I have started to study English and International Studies (aka. English SIS) at Aalborg University (so no more History for me), so I had to learn to know a lot of new people - among those 3/4 of the tutor team, where I still talk to some of them. We had this introduction period where there were activities arranged by the tutors so that we could better know each other - and I (and a very few others) were among the few who came.

The highlight of the introduction period was the rustur (which basicly is an intoduction trip with lots of alcohol), where we were at a big house near the sea. Among the highlights were a group singing contest (my team actually won!), an award dinner (with nominations etc.) the last day and a guy who actually was drunk all the time! And when you slept 6 hours in total during the 3 days the rustur lasted, you would be pretty tired - especially if you had some kind of hangovers. The trip back to the university was quite memorable because that the bus in which I drove with actually broke down(!), so we had to wait for another bus to come and pick us up. What a ending to a great trip! Later that day there was also a boat race at Klingenberg Lake/Pond. But before the race actually started, it began to rain, so I decided to go to Mærkbar (the Friday Bar of the Humanistic Faculty) and spent the rest of the day before going home to sleep.

Otherwise life at Hvidkildevej is somewhat the same: The Greenlanders are still not being social, Lars still has tendencies to make crappy food (although he hasn't burned his food for quite some time now!) etc. But we also got our latest batch of international students in the house: Jan (aka. Honza) from the Czech Republic, Andrzej (aka. Andrew) from Poland, and last but not least Ragwon from China (who just came to the house last week!)

onsdag den 8. august 2007

4-5/8 - Blokhus

After being at my parents' place most of the summer, it was time to go back to Aalborg - and unlike previous times I decided to take the train back from Skanderborg. Nothing happened on the way back, but the trip was actually quicker than the usual bus trip from Aalborg to Silkeborg. After coming back to the apartment on Hvidkildevej, I decided to meet Mads at his place, and the next two hours we talked about many things. But at 14.45 I had to go back to my place to prepare myself to go to Blokhus.
In the end of June I received an invitation for a birthday party from my good friend Christina, who I met when I started at the university almost 2 years ago (and no, it is not the same girl as the one who went to the same class as Greg). I couldn't resist her offer.
I was excited about how many people, who were coming, actually I already saw the first 2 at the bus station, but it was only confirmed when I arrived at Christina's mom's summer residence, and they arrived around 5-10 minutes later. Among the other guests were her cousin Steffen, familiar faces like Mai & Jakob as well as Pia (who I met the night before my birthday) and Ann Christina & her boyfriend Mattias (who Christina & I, among others, went to the carnival with last year), and new faces like the two girls from the bus station (Nanna & Anne Katrine), Allan (who is studying psychology together with Christina, Nanna & Anne Katrine) and 2 other friends. So all in all we were around 15 people.
Dinner was great! We got some beef, chicken and spareribs along with some salad and some other stuff, and for dessert we got some cake. All evening there was this positive mood, and most of us really enjoyed ourselves. Later in the evening there was this limbo competition, in which I actually won!! Considering that I rarely participate in those kind of competitions, even I was surprised. Before midnight the first guests went home. We decided to go to town, but Anne Katrine wanted to go home because she wanted to paint her new apartment the next day, and Pia shocked us all by spontaneously taking a taxi back to Aalborg!! Imagine how expensive the bill must have been!
But the rest of us went to town and quickly went in to a place called Pigen og Sømanden (the girl and the sailor), where we stayed and drank some beer, danced and participated in a limbo contest. Around 4.30 most of us decided to go back to the summer residence while the rest of them went back a little later. After we had a hot dog, I decided to go to bed.
Sunday morning

At 9.30 I decided to wake up, but I had some major hangovers. Not the best feeling to start the day with. After having breakfast, we were talking about many things before we decided to go to the beach. After arriving at the beach we noticed that there were a lot of people there. We jumped into the water, but there were a lot of big waves, so sometimes we were pushed back. We then took a sun bath until the time was around 12.50, where we went back to the summer residence to pack our stuff before taking a bus back to Aalborg at 14.40.
After coming back I wanted to get some sleep, but when I turned my laptop on, I ended like surfing the Internet instead. In the end I went to sleep around 1.
I want to thank Christina for throwing this great party, and the others for making this a great weekend! It sure was great, and I hope that we can do this again next year.

Enjoying the sun outside the summer residence

torsdag den 12. juli 2007

12/7 - Visual update

Today I have added two charts to the blog to spice it up a bit. And I have finally added a profile picture, although it is not an actual picture of myself.
Otherwise I'm still enjoying my summer vacation at my parents' place.

tirsdag den 10. juli 2007

Summer update

First of all I want to apologize for not updating often at the moment, but since Greg went back to Hungary, there hasn't been happening many new things since then. But, there were a few things:

  1. I went to a party with Christian, Lars, Doris & Marek (a group mate of Doris), where Jorge later joined the party. Christian became a little drunk and a girl (and later a guy) was offended of some of his actions/comments before going to town with them. Eventually I took the taxi back together with Doris & Marek before going to bed.
  2. The next day (actually a few hours later) I went with the bowling club to the wilderness to the east of the city of Brønderslev. I did some games and competitions with youth players and others from the youth department while others from the club just enjoyed the weather. Unfortunately an shoulder injury broke up in the evening, and I couldn't throw a ball without feeling pain on my left shoulder. So I tried to do as little as possible the rest of the weekend before coming back home the next day.
  3. The next week 2 of Jorge's friends came to Denmark. Every evening they went to town to party, and they surely experienced many things (a car accident, one guy's "fight" with a lamp, a walk back to the house etc.). Eventually the Spaniards went to Norway with a third friend and David on July 5th (last Thursday) in the morning. In this period (the end of June) I also spoke with Martin for the last time before he was leaving for Sweden to meet his sister and some friends.
  4. On July 6th Lars left for his summer vacation with his mother, and Christian left with his father, so for a few hours I was actually alone in the house, but it was all ruined when Simon's bitch girlfriend's sister and her boyfriend(?) came to the house. In the evening Jimmy came back from Roskilde because the weather at the festival was too much for him.
  5. On July 8th Jorge and his friends came back from Norway, and we watch some Formula 1 (too bad for them (and good for me) that Alonso didn't win the race). Around 17.00 I was finished packing my stuff and was ready to take the bus to my parents' place in Bryrup, so I said goodbye to Jorge for the last time before leaving the house.

This wraps up this update, and I want to say thank you to both Jorge and Martin for staying at Hvidkildevej 6 the last few months, and thanks for the contributions to the everyday life in the house. And I will find out if I will come to Spain next year!