After getting some sleep, I woke up around 7.30 and immediately got some weird messages. It turned out that a friend's little sister was curious about my origin, which was OK. I took a bus around 9.20 and went to a friend's place, where we picked up another and drove to Hals (a town to the north-east of Aalborg), where 5-6 of my friends have bought a summer residence, where we started to paint the house (I was there two times before to paint other parts of the house). We bought some grey color, which looked great, and when we stopped around 18.00, we managed to paint more than half the house!
We then decided to drive to another friend's place near the little city of Støvring, while we were listening to the nice football match between AaB and Brøndby on the radio, but we never managed to hear the final result before we arrived there. But we found out that our friend wasn't at work, so we just drove home. Before being dropped off, I saw some smoke coming up and someone who was using a grill, so I thought that my flatmates were doing that, but I found out that our neighbours were outside. I met Christian, who was injured because of a football match that he participated in the day before. He also told that Brøndby lost 2-3 to AaB, so that was a nice result. After some time I decided to go to the neighbours, who I met for the first time. I stayed there for a few hours until around 1.30, when we all decided to go to sleep.