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tirsdag den 24. april 2007

14/4 - Painting Time!!!!

After getting some sleep, I woke up around 7.30 and immediately got some weird messages. It turned out that a friend's little sister was curious about my origin, which was OK. I took a bus around 9.20 and went to a friend's place, where we picked up another and drove to Hals (a town to the north-east of Aalborg), where 5-6 of my friends have bought a summer residence, where we started to paint the house (I was there two times before to paint other parts of the house). We bought some grey color, which looked great, and when we stopped around 18.00, we managed to paint more than half the house!
We then decided to drive to another friend's place near the little city of Støvring, while we were listening to the nice football match between AaB and Brøndby on the radio, but we never managed to hear the final result before we arrived there. But we found out that our friend wasn't at work, so we just drove home. Before being dropped off, I saw some smoke coming up and someone who was using a grill, so I thought that my flatmates were doing that, but I found out that our neighbours were outside. I met Christian, who was injured because of a football match that he participated in the day before. He also told that Brøndby lost 2-3 to AaB, so that was a nice result. After some time I decided to go to the neighbours, who I met for the first time. I stayed there for a few hours until around 1.30, when we all decided to go to sleep.

mandag den 23. april 2007

13/4 - Trivial Pursuit

First of all: I'm sorry that I haven't written anything the last month; either I didn't have time or forgot about it... but now I'm back!!!
And now on to the subject: There was this Trivial Pursuit tournament at my faculty, and I wanted to win it, so I teamed up with my good friend Mads, because there had to be 2 or 3 persons in your team... but the opposition was hard... several persons from the 6. semester were participating, but my spirit was high at that time. Around 13.30 the tournament finally began. There were 2 preliminary rounds, where me and Mads was at one of them. But it didn't go particularly well, and we didn't get through to the final. If it was because of it was Friday the 13th, we will never know... but the team that went through from our table won the entire tournament, so we were just unlucky.
After the tournament ended, we just sat and drank some beer. Still a little upset I tried to play some Trivial Pursuit with another partner against another team just for fun, but it ended with a draw when one of the opponents went home....
After some more drinking and some dinner, we went to the Friday Bar at the C.W. Obel collegium. For me it was the first time I went there for a month, but I saw many familiar faces, and later that evening many from the 6th semester arrived at the Friday Bar, so we enjoyed ourselves until most of them left around 3.00. At 3.30 I decided to go home to sleep, so I could be ready for the next day...

A lot of pictures were taken that day - not just from my mobile phone!