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onsdag den 21. februar 2007

21/2 - Snow is falling...

... all around me, children playing, having fun...
No, no, no, no and NO!! It's not that scenario from that famous Shakin' Stevens Christmas song, that I'm looking at!! Here in Aalborg it has snowed (probably) since last night, and already in the morning there were delayments with the bus, but luckily I only live around 30 minutes of walk from the university, so I decided to do just that. When I arrived, we were only 4 people, but eventually more people came, so the lecture wasn't cancelled.
After the lecture I met my Scotish friend Chris at the cantine, where we talked for a while before going to a computer room. At 15.00 I decided to go back home, but it was a LONG walk because of the wind most of the time blew in my face with snow... great!!
By the way... just to go at bit off topic... Yesterday a new guy moved in the house. His name is Jorge and comes (as some of you maybe have figured out) from Spain. He seems to be nice, but his English needs to be polished...
Finally back in the house I ate some lunch and then prepared myself to go to the Student House, but the snow were still causing problems for the busses, so they were cancelled for the rest of the evening. So no Student House tonight, but at least I can watch some Champions League... go Liverpool!!

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